Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My pastor did it from the pulpit

Preach on the election that is.

But not the way some may think. He explained that our church is a 501c3 organization and is permitted to devote 5% of time and money to political activities.

“But we don’t do any of that,” he added.

The reason why I love my pastor is because he will preach stuff that I know is right but would rather not hear. Here are some of the things he brought up (and my two cents):

PRAY – 1 Timothy 2:1-2 “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Was Nero ruling Rome when Paul wrote this? If he could tell believers to pray for Nero, How could I not offer prayers for whoever becomes president?

VOTE – Daniel 6:1-5 This passage is about Daniel, who excelled as a gov’t official in a godless country. We are encouraged to be involved, to be in the world and not of it. However….

HOPE IN GOD – Psalm 146:3-4 “Do not trust in princes…” I remember when W can in with a majority in Congress that many of my evangelical friends thought that it would usher in a era of America being this Christian paradise. We all know how well that worked out.

GOD IS SOVEREIGN – Daniel 2:21 “He (God) removes kings and establishes kings” God will determine who will be president. It will be to fulfill His purposes and not mine.

I am the chief offender. I claim to be a believer in Christ, to trust Him for my salvation and my care, but my thoughts and actions in the past few months is evidence that I am as full of it as a Christmas turkey.

I should be telling you of another election and my candidate for it. The office is Lord and Savior. My candidate is Jesus of Nazareth. Like a lot of candidates, He has a Book out which tells His story and His policies. The presidential election is important and will have long-term ramifications. But the decision for Lord and Savior has eternal ramifications for you personally.

The good news is that you can vote early for this particular election, and the voting process is free of fraud.

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