Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gay Bishops for Obama

Our should I say openly gay bishops.

The Episcopal Church's first openly gay bishop (let's not forget all those gay bishops still in the closet-Spider) endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president on Thursday, even though they don't share the same views on issues critical to gays and lesbians.

''Frankly, I don't think there's any major candidate that is where we in the gay community would hope they would be on our issues,'' V. Gene Robinson said in a conference call with reporters.

''That being said, I would say the senator has been enormously supportive of our issues. We appreciate his support for civil unions.''

I know that many of you out there give a lot of weight to political endorsements made by gay bishops, so I thought I’d put that out there.

V. Gene Robinson (the V stands for Vicky Imogene, and should not be confused with Vickie Sue Robinson ) had parents who wanted a girl, hence the name. And in a sense, they got one.

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