Monday, July 23, 2007

Fishing with Jailbait

….will catch you twenty-three pervs in Polk County FL over the weekend.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office has charged 23 men with soliciting sex from a child via the Internet.According to Polk County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Carrie Rogers, those arrested either lived or were staying in cities around Florida and traveled to Polk County to an undercover location with the purpose of having sex with a child. Undercover detectives used chat rooms and instant messaging to direct suspects to the location.One suspect is a youth hockey coach in Orlando, one is a volunteer firefighter, and one is a former deputy sheriff from Marion County and currently employed by the Department of Homeland Security. One is a registered sex offender from the state of Ohio.

One of my guilty pleasures is the Dateline: To Catch a Predator series. It is a great study on the nature of addiction. For one thing, whatever it is that makes these guys do it transcends age and race and social stature. From rabbis, youth pastors, cancer doctors, computer programmers, GIs just back or going to Iraq, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.

Some of these guys have even seen the show and recognize Chris Hanson when he comes out to grill them. I’m not the kind of guy who throws around the phrase “demon possession”, but what else explains the power of the jones?

Mind you, the Polk County Sheriff has officers hunting pervs on the web full-time.

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