Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Death of Adulthood

I'll let my Catholic friends take a crack at this.

Angel Llavona considered his priest open to honest criticism.
And so after one Sunday mass last year, Llavona telephoned the Crystal Lake priest and left a message that went something like this: Your sermon stunk.

The Rev. Luis Alfredo Rios, a priest at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, then did something equally brazen, Llavona claims. He played the private phone message during Sunday mass and asked his flock, "What should we do? Should we send him to hell or to another parish?"

Now Llavona, who was sitting in church when his message was played, is suing Rios and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockford. Llavona claims in the lawsuit filed this week in McHenry County that he was defamed and suffered "immediate emotional distress, embarrassment and humiliation."

Llavona says the humiliation forced him to change parishes. He is seeking a minimum of $50,000 in damages.

IMHO, Llavona ist ein Esel. If this was the entirety of his phone message, then it's not constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is specific, such as "Hey Boss, are you really sure about Hillary being the Harlot of Babylon and that her presidency will usher in the End Times?" This was disrespect for spiritual authority.

Agreed that the priest exercised poor judgement. He should have met with this chucklehead instead of pulling a stunt. Now he does what everyone does when their feelings are hurt.


$50K? How can I get my pastor to embarrass me from the pulpit? There are times he has messages which sound like he wrote down what I needed to hear and just preached that.

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